Faculty Members

Amir Peyravi

Amir Peyravi

Amir Peyravi    (FA Page)

Assistant Professor
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FirstName And Last Name Project Name Degree download-thesis def-date
Saeed Behipour Dynamical analysis for a Kirchhoff-type system with weak damping effects and logarithmic sources M.S 1400/06/20
Mina Karimi Existence, decay and blow-up of solutions for a class of parabolic equations of viscoelastic type M.S 1398/04/29
Farzaneh Khademi Nonexistence of solutions for a class of three dimensional nonlinear wave equations of viscoelastic type with arbitrary energy level M.S 1398/10/04
leila kiani Non-existence of solutions for a class of fourth order wave equations with weak and strong damping effects and logarithmic source M.S
niloofar nazari Decay of solution energy for a viscoelastic wave equation with logarithmic source and nonlinear boundary feedback M.S 1402/12/14
Mohammad javad saberi nik Blow-up properties of solutions to a class of fourth order parabolic equations with a nonlinear source M.S 1401/11/15
mostafa hamidi Finite-Parameters Feedback Control for Stabilizing Damped Nonlinear Wave Equations M.S 1396/06/21
Hakimeh Mahmoodipour General decay of solutions to a viscoelastic wave equation with nonlinear localized damping M.S 1395/12/18
Abbas Omidvari Energy decay rates for the semilinear wave equation with memory boundary condition and acoustic boundary conditions M.S 1398/02/18
sahar tavasoli Edge connectivity and the spectral gap of combinatorial and quantum graphs M.S 1397/11/27
Shahin Rahimi A generalization of \\pi-regular rings M.S 1400/06/31
Parsatoo Alimanish Investigating some concepts of robustness in multiobjective optimization M.S 1399/06/31
Mohammad Hadi Atabakzadeh Some Efficient Analytical and Numerical Methods for Fractional Differential Equations and their Applications in Chaotic Synchronization Ph.D 1394/04/16
Elnaz Fahandezh Rings in which every left zero-divisor is also a right zero-divisor and conversely. M.S 1399/06/31
mostafa golmohamadi On systems of linear fractional differential equations with constant coefficients M.S 1394/04/15
Fatemeh Hedayatian On the Toeplitzness of Compsotion Operators M.S 1395/12/15
Roham Kamandi Some multi-objective optimization approaches for redundancy allocation problem in a system M.S 1396/06/28
Ali Mohammad Karparvar Socle Clean Rings, Socle Reduced Rings and Additive Decomposition of Ideals Ph.D 1397/06/25
Saeedeh Nasimi Essential manifolds with extra structure M.S 1394/09/15
tahere nayeri blow up and general decay of solution for a nonlinear viscoelastic equation M.S 1394/12/18
Fatemeh Taghipoor On the fractional solution of the equation f(x+y)=f(x)f(y)and its application to fractional Laplace’s transform M.S 1394/12/19
mehdi tanhaeipoor General decay of solutions for a weak viscoelastic equation with acoustic boundary conditions M.S 1394/04/13
fateme zarei Existence and asymptotic stability of a viscoelastic wave equation with a delay M.S 1393/12/19
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